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How to Tell the Age of Your Bearded Dragon? 4 Ways to Find Out

Bearded dragons are popular and fascinating pets that can live up to 12 years in captivity with proper care. However, many owners do not know the exact age of their bearded dragons, especially if they acquired them from a rescue or a pet store. Knowing the age of your bearded dragon can help you provide better care and understand their behavior and development. In this article, we will share four ways to tell the age of your bearded dragon, as well as some factors that can affect their growth and size. 1. Measure Your Bearded Dragon One of the easiest

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How to Train Your Pet Bird to Live Without a Cage and Not Fly Away?

Many people love having pet birds, but they may not like the idea of keeping them in cages. After all, birds are meant to fly and enjoy the freedom of the sky. However, letting your pet bird out of its cage can be risky, as it may fly away or get injured by various hazards. So, is there a way to train your pet bird to live without a cage and not fly away? The answer is yes, but it depends on several factors, such as the type of bird, the level of trust, and the safety precautions. In this

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Hedgehog Care: Tips for Feeding, Handling and Socialising Your Spiky Pet

Hedgehogs are unique and adorable animals that can make wonderful pets for people who are willing to learn about their special needs and provide them with proper care. Hedgehogs are not rodents, but belong to a group of mammals called insectivores. They have a distinctive feature of having quills, which are modified hairs that can be raised when they feel threatened or scared. Hedgehogs are mostly nocturnal, meaning they are active at night and sleep during the day. They can live up to 10 years in captivity, but the average lifespan is around five years. If you are interested in

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The Benefits of Owning a Dog: A Comprehensive Guide

Owning a dog is a wonderful experience that can bring great joy and happiness to our lives. Dogs are not only great companions but they also offer a wide range of benefits to their owners. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the many benefits of owning a dog. Owning a dog can have a positive impact on our emotional well-being. Dogs are loyal and affectionate creatures that provide unconditional love and support. They can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, and provide a sense of comfort and security. Dogs have also been shown to help with depression, loneliness, and

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What Do Bearded Dragons Eat? A Complete Guide to Their Diet and Nutrition

Bearded dragons are popular and fascinating pets that come from the arid to semi-arid regions of Australia. They are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal-based foods, including insects. However, not all foods are suitable for bearded dragons, and their dietary needs change as they grow and age. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about feeding your bearded dragon, from what foods to offer, how often to feed them, and what supplements they need. The Basics of Bearded Dragon Diet Bearded dragons are generalists and opportunistic feeders in the wild. They eat a variety

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Bearded Dragon Behavior: What Do Their Body Language and Sounds Mean?

Bearded dragons are one of the most popular and fascinating reptiles to keep as pets. They are friendly, curious, and active lizards that can form strong bonds with their owners. They are also relatively easy to care for and have unique personalities and behaviors. But how can you tell what your bearded dragon is feeling or thinking? How can you understand their body language and sounds? How can you communicate with them and make them happy? In this article, we will explore some of the most common and interesting behaviors of bearded dragons. We will explain what they mean and

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