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23 Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants That Won’t Harm Your Cats and Dogs

If you love both plants and pets, you might worry about which houseplants are safe for your furry friends. Some plants can be toxic to cats and dogs if they nibble on them, causing symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or even organ failure. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, you should always check the toxicity of any plant you want to bring home. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has a useful database of toxic and non-toxic plants for cats, dogs, and horses.

To help you choose some beautiful and harmless houseplants for your pets, here are 23 examples of non-toxic indoor plants that are safe for cats and dogs.

1. African Violet (Saintpaulia)

African violets are one of the most popular flowering houseplants that are safe for pets. They can bloom in low light and prefer moderate temperatures and humidity. They need a soil-free potting mix and a balanced fertilizer to thrive. However, be careful with the fertilizer you use, as some may be harmful to your pets if they ingest part of the plant.

2. Baby’s Tears (Soleirolia Soleirolii)

Baby’s tears are a charming plant with tiny green leaves that form a dense carpet. They are great for terrariums, hanging baskets, or as a companion plants around indoor trees. They may also discourage pets that like to dig in your houseplants.

3. Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)

The Chinese money plant is a trendy and easy-to-care-for plant that belongs to the nettle family but is safe for pets. It has round, fleshy leaves that are bright green in color. It likes bright, indirect light but can tolerate moderate-to-low light as well. It needs infrequent but thorough watering, and its leaves will droop if it gets too dry.

4. Banana Tree (Musa Spp.)

The banana tree is a pet-friendly plant that can add a tropical flair to your home. It can grow up to six feet or more in height, but there are also dwarf varieties that are smaller. It needs plenty of sunlight, water, and fertilizer to produce fruit indoors.

5. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Seifrizii)

The bamboo palm is a graceful and elegant palm that is safe for pets and also purifies the air. It is native to Mexico and Central America and likes warm temperatures and high humidity. However, it does not require much water or light and can adapt to different conditions.

6. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)

The Boston fern is a classic houseplant that is non-toxic to pets and also removes toxins from the air. It has long, arching fronds with tiny leaflets that create a lush appearance. It likes high humidity, moist soil, and indirect light.

7. Bromeliad (Bromeliaceae)

Bromeliads are colorful and exotic plants that are safe for pets and also attract hummingbirds indoors. They have rosettes of spiky leaves that can be green, red, pink, purple, or variegated. They produce long-lasting flowers that can be yellow, orange, red, or pink. They like bright light but not direct sun, and they need water in their central cups rather than their soil.

8. Burro’s Tail (Sedum Morganianum)

Burro’s tail is a succulent plant that is safe for pets and also drought-tolerant. It has trailing stems with fleshy leaves that resemble a donkey’s tail. It likes bright light and well-draining soil, and it needs very little water.

9. Calathea (Calathea Spp.)

Calathea is a group of plants that are safe for pets and also have stunning foliage patterns. They have large leaves that can be green, purple, pink, white, or striped. They move their leaves up and down according to the light cycle, which gives them the nickname “prayer plants”. They like medium to low light, high humidity, and moist soil.

10. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior)

The cast iron plant is a pet-friendly plant that can survive in almost any condition. It has dark green leaves that are glossy and leathery. It can tolerate low light, drought, temperature fluctuations, and pests. It does not need much fertilizer or pruning. It grows slowly and can reach up to two feet tall and wide.

11. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera Bridgesii)

The Christmas cactus is a festive and pet-safe plant that blooms around the holiday season. It has segmented stems with flattened leaves and showy flowers that can be red, pink, white, or purple. It likes bright but indirect light and well-draining soil. It needs less water in the fall and winter and more water in the spring and summer.

12. Echeveria (Echeveria spp.)

Echeveria is a genus of succulent plants that are safe for pets and also easy to grow. They have rosettes of fleshy leaves that can be green, blue, purple, pink, or variegated. They produce bell-shaped flowers on long stems that can be orange, red, yellow, or pink. They like full sun and well-draining soil, and they need very little water.

13. Friendship Plant (Pilea Involucrata)

The friendship plant is a pet-friendly plant that is also easy to propagate and share with friends. It has textured leaves that are green with silver or bronze markings. It likes medium to low light and moist soil. It can grow up to 12 inches tall and wide.

14. Haworthia (Haworthia Spp.)

Haworthia is another genus of succulent plants that are safe for pets and also low-maintenance. They have rosettes of thick leaves that can be green, brown, black, or variegated. They have tiny white flowers on thin stems that appear in the summer. They like bright but indirect light and well-draining soil, and they need very little water.

15. Hoya (Hoya Spp.)

Hoya is a group of plants that are safe for pets and also have fragrant and waxy flowers. They have thick and fleshy leaves that can be green, variegated, or speckled. They produce clusters of star-shaped flowers that can be white, pink, red, yellow, or purple. They like bright light and well-draining soil, and they need moderate water.

16. Orchid (Orchidaceae)

Orchids are elegant and pet-safe plants that have exotic and long-lasting flowers. They have slender stems with thick and leathery leaves. They produce spikes of flowers that can be white, pink, purple, yellow, orange, or spotted. They like bright but indirect light and well-draining bark or moss as their growing medium. They need regular water but not too much.

17. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans)

The parlor palm is a pet-friendly plant that is also one of the most popular indoor palms. It has feathery fronds that are dark green in color. It can grow up to four feet tall and wide. It likes low to medium light and moist soil. It does not need much fertilizer or pruning.

18. Peperomia (Peperomia Spp.)

Peperomia is a genus of plants that are safe for pets and also have interesting foliage shapes and colors. They have thick and fleshy leaves that can be round, oval, heart-shaped, or lance-shaped. They can be green, red, purple, silver, or variegated. They produce slender spikes of flowers that are usually green or white. They like bright but indirect light and well-draining soil. They need moderate water but not too much.

19. Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea Recurvata)

The ponytail palm is a pet-friendly plant that is also a succulent in disguise. It has a swollen trunk that stores water and long curly leaves that resemble a ponytail. It can grow up to six feet tall indoors but much taller outdoors. It likes bright light and well-draining soil. It needs very little water.

20. Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura)

The prayer plant is a pet-friendly plant that is also known for its striking foliage patterns. It has oval leaves that can be green, red, purple, or variegated with different colors. It gets its name from the way it folds its leaves at night, like hands in prayer. It likes medium to low light and moist soil. It needs high humidity and regular misting.

21. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

The spider plant is a pet-friendly plant that is also easy to propagate and share with friends. It has long and narrow leaves that can be green or variegated. It produces baby plants on long stems that can be potted or hung. It likes bright but indirect light and well-draining soil. It needs moderate water but not too much.

22. Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus Verticillatus)

The Swedish ivy is a pet-friendly plant that is also a fast-growing and trailing plant. It has glossy and scalloped leaves that are green or variegated. It produces spikes of white or purple flowers in the summer. It likes bright light and moist soil. It needs regular pruning to keep its shape.

23. Zebra Plant (Aphelandra Squarrosa)

The zebra plant is a pet-friendly plant that is also a striking and exotic plant. It has large and glossy leaves that are dark green with white veins. It produces cone-shaped spikes of yellow flowers in the summer. It likes bright but indirect light and humid conditions. It needs frequent water and misting.

These are just some of the many houseplants that are safe for cats and dogs. However, even if a plant is non-toxic, it may still cause some irritation or discomfort to your pets if they ingest it. Therefore, it is best to keep all plants out of reach of your pets and monitor them for any signs of distress if they do eat something they shouldn’t.



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